Statement of Faith

We believe in Jesus Christ,
 who was promised to the people of Israel,
    who came in the flesh to dwell among us,
    who announced the coming of the rule of God,
    who gathered disciples and taught them,
    who died on the cross to free us from sin,
    who reigns in heaven at the right hand of God,
    who come to judge and bring justice to victory.

We believe in God,
    who raised Jesus from the dead,
   who created and sustains the universe,
    who acts to deliver God’s people in times of need,
    who desires everyone everywhere to be saved,
    who rules over the destinies of people and nations,
   who continues to love us even when we turn away. 

We believe in the Holy Spirit,
    who is the form of God present in the church,
    who moves us to faith and obedience,
    who is the guarantee of our deliverance,
    who leads us to find God’s will in the word,
    who assists those who are renewed in prayer,
    who guides us in discernment,
    who impels us to act together.

We believe God has made us a people,
    to invite others to follow Christ,
    to encourage one another to deeper commitment,
    to proclaim forgiveness of sins and hope,
    to reconcile people to God through word and deed,
    to bear witness to the power of love over hate,
    to proclaim Jesus the Ruler of all,
    to meet the daily tasks of life with purpose,
    to suffer joyfully for the cause of right,
        to the ends of the earth,
        to the end of the age,
        to the praise of Christ’s glory.