There are many things which make me thankful to be a citizen of the United States. I am thankful that I get to vote. Changing things with a ballot rather than a bullet is, I believe, a great thing. My vote doesn’t always turn out as I wish, but I do get to cast my vote. I want that privilege for everyone even when I do not agree with their vote. I am appreciative of other good things that are part of our country. In comparison with other parts of the world we have an abundance of food and water. In many places in the larger world people stand in long lines to carry off a small amount of water for their families. Every time I forget to turn off the faucet when I am shaving or brushing my teeth, I think about how blessed I am. Recent droughts in the west of our country have made me conscious of being more careful in my use of water. I know even in our country there are still hungry and thirsty people, but the abundance is there if we can figure out how to better share it. In the drier land of Jesus’ upbringing water could be a symbol of blessing and life. Jesus’ comment to the Samaritan woman about living water utilizes the water image to allude to a spiritual truth. Human beings can survive for quite a while without food, but water is critical. In as little as three days we can die without water. Water as a spiritual image is less obvious, but doubtless just as critical for our spiritual survival. It would be grand if everyone had it in abundance.