We are spending Thanksgiving this year with our family in Centennial, Colorado (a suburb of Denver). We wish our Florida family could be there as well. Maybe we can all gather at Christmas time. But all of us near and far will be giving thanks this Thanksgiving. After my wife’s medical scares this year, we are grateful that we and our children and grandchildren are well and happy. We will all be enjoying good meals and pleasant conversation. After the first helping of Thanksgiving fare with a bit of everything first as is our tradition. We can then fill up the corners with a bit more of our favorite dishes. We will pat our tummies and watch parades and sports and maybe a family style movie on the TV, but most of all we will be together. When scripture references the Messianic banquet, I am quite caught up by the imagery. The vision of the greater family of God gathered around a table of bounty in the presence of God and his messiah is beautiful in my mind. Strangely enough, I envision not the lovely foods, but the joy of being in the presence of God and our brothers and sisters. It is captured by the many songs like “An Unclouded Day”. “Oh, they tell me of a home where my friends have gone, Oh, they tell me of the land far away…Oh, they tell me of an unclouded day.”