President John F. Kennedy issued Proclamation 3560 on November 5, 1963, stating, “Over three centuries ago our fore fathers in Virginia and in Massachusetts far from home in a lonely wilderness, set aside a time of thanksgiving on the appointed day, they gave reverent thanks for their safety, for the health of their children, for the fertility of their field, for the love which bound them together and for the faith which united them with their God.” Like many leaders before him and after him, President Kennedy reminded us of our heritage of celebration of thanksgiving to God for the abundance of our blessings. Christians ought always to be thankful, but it is quite appropriate for civil authorities to acknowledge our corporate thankfulness to God. At the end of tragic or disastrous events, at the end of a war or major conflict a time of thanksgiving seems needed. In times of fruitfulness, plenty, and peace we should be even more thankful. The fourth Thursday of November seems a fitting time to offer our thanks. The harvest is gathered in. The families are gathered together. The worshippers are gathered together in the house of God. The organ is opened up with all the stops out on "Now thank we all our God with heart and soul and voices, who wondrous things has done, in this world rejoices…”