One of the great titles for God is Creator. It provides an intimate link between us as part of the created world and the God who made us all. We are not self- made beings no matter how arrogant we might become. Our individual existence was dependent on other agencies, namely our parents. We are part of the created order. We share our existence with other created beings. We are genetic cousins with other species even though it is hard sometimes to take such knowledge into our minds. The common connection is the God who created us and our world. By creation we are sisters and brothers with all the other human beings on our planet. We were created in God’s image and at our best intended to be like God. Since God is creator we are endowed with creativity as well. When we create art, poetry, music, machines, computers, rockets, new plant varieties, medicines, and societal structures, indeed anything good and worthy, we are imitating God’s creative instinct. We hope that all such things will be for good and for the glory of God and not for evil and destruction. At the end of all our endeavors we wish to look back at all we have done and say like the Creator God, “It is very good.”