“Glory to God in the highest Heaven and on earth peace among those whom he favors!” sang the heavenly hosts at Jesus’ birth. The Church of the Brethren peace group has chosen “On Earth Peace” as its title. We still, after nearly 2000 years, are looking to bring about peace on earth. We pray for it. We practice it on various levels. We desire to work with all that promotes peace in our world among nations, within nations in communities and in homes. It has many dimensions from eliminating wars, to countering violence in our society. At times, it seems to be an uphill battle to wage peace, but we are confident that the Prince of Peace, Jesus, supports our efforts. Our real goal is not just absence of conflict, but the achievement of wholeness for everyone. Wholeness is a matter of body, mind, and spirit. It is peace within, but it is also peace among. Creative conflict without violence may be one stage along the way, but ultimately we hope for cooperation and wholeness. The Hebrew concept of Shalom has that sense of comprehensive wholeness where we are at one with God and with our neighbor in body, mind, and spirit. We strive to be at peace with each other so that love and compassion may be the watchword for all our endeavors.