
Recently, I learned the danger of renting a car in the season of Spring Break.  I had planned far enough in advance that there was a car reserved for me.  Unfortunately, on the morning of picking up the car the latch broke and the rental people had to scramble for a substitute vehicle.  I went from a small sedan to a huge double cab white truck.  With my short legs, pulling myself  into the truck was a sure source of entertainment for anyone watching.  Exiting the truck was easy, I just slid out and dropped the last 12 inches to the ground.  It had been a long time since I had driven such a big vehicle, but it turned out to be an engaging experience.  This was a dream truck with every bell and whistle.  Automatic headlights, rear camera for backing up, even voice activated radio were all available.  All I really needed was a horse trailer on behind to recall my early Utah roots.  The ride was smooth and scarcely affected by Indiana’s land of pot holes.  It really did change my perspective on driving.  I could see everything from my high seat.  Big trucks didn’t blow me sideways on the highway.  What a delight a new experience can bring.  It makes me wonder if I am as open to new experiences with God.  I hope so!  Meanwhile I’m looking for a modern enclosed, air conditioned tractor to give that a try to see if it would give me a new perspective.