Even though in my childhood we rarely ate in restaurants, I have always enjoyed eating out. For many years I looked for something on the menu which I had never had before. This worked well because I like almost every kind of food. As a frugal foodie, I did always check the price. This is what I call reading the menu from right to left. All this changed, as it did for my daughters as well, when we discovered that we had celiac disease (gluten allergy). Now my first question is “Do you have a gluten-free menu?” With the next question being “What is in this dish?” In better restaurants I get to talk to the head chef. In lesser establishments I have to guess or rely on the “gluten sensitive” menu. This isn’t too bad since I can usually find something that I can have, but the days of food experimentation are pretty much past. What I can have is often more expensive than my frugality hopes for in terms of activities I also feel open to try things. I have now noticed a few limitations to due to age, but generally if someone suggests several possible activities, I know that I probably will enjoy any of the choices. This makes me willing to go along with the preferences of others, not because I don’t care, but because I am already pretty certain that I will enjoy any of the good choices.