It is true that the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 is one of the best known passages in all of scripture. It is used in the liturgy of Christian churches and is available in countless published forms and engraved on all manner of objects. It is the form of prayer that Jesus taught his disciples and for that reason could also have been called the disciple’s prayer. What is not realized as often is the number of times in the New Testament that Jesus is described as praying himself. We have only a few examples of the content of those prayers, but many examples of Jesus praying. “The Lord’s Prayer” is an ideal example of the basic elements of prayer and can serve as a model for our prayers. While it is appropriate to recite it together in worship, it is best used when it informs us of how we might shape our own prayers. The mixture of praise and petition, of intercession and instruction are vital in our prayers as well. When we truly pray rather than merely repeat the words we have entered into the Jesus way of prayer. Then our conversation is truly with the Creator of the Universe to whom belongs glory and honor forever and ever. Amen.