I learned a while back that there are people who have a career as hand models. For commercials in print and on TV they are paid for their beautiful hands demonstrating lotions, mild dish soap and other products. I don’t know if there are foot models, but I suppose there might be. The prophet-poet Isaiah says, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who bring good tidings who publish peace…” While this might initially sound like a comment about attractive heels and toes, it is more a matter of Hebrew language using concrete words to express more abstract meanings. In the midst of conflict the arrival of a messenger proclaiming that the war is over is a beautiful moment in the life of a war torn people. Would it not be a wonderful, beautiful moment if we could hear “the conflict is over, we can be at peace?” It is good news in any war. It would be beyond words if we could say “All wars have come to an end now and forever.” Wouldn’t it be beautiful if we could say that humanity has found a better way to resolve disagreements than resorting to violence? We teach little children to use their words not their fists. It will mark a new stage in human maturity when we can use words rather than weapons to resolve our differences. The arrival of that moment would indeed be beautiful.