I am convinced that we need worship. I believe that deep within our human nature there is that which reaches out to interact with the one who created us. We were designed to give praise to God and there is an emptiness when we do not have opportunity to offer God our praise. We were designed to live quietly in the presence of the divine. We were meant to be still and know the eternal God. We were made to bring our needs and even our griefs to the divine parent of us all that we might receive comfort. We were crafted for compassion, to give and receive love in relationship to the one whose very essence is love. Our sight was meant to see beyond the limits of earthly vision and catch a glimpse of eternal things that we might know the God of hope. All this and more are a part of our worship. It is remarkable when worship surprises us in moments of beauty and insight when we are alone, and it is amazing when true worship happens when we are together. In the deepest part of our authentic selves we need God. It is not about attendance patterns or paying the church bills. It is ultimately about who we are. We were designed for relationship with God and that, at heart, is why we must worship.