This week I ordered my new calendar workbook for 2020. It is titled Calendar and Workbook for Church Leaders. It is packed full of useful information including special dates, lectionary, and a four year calendar. More importantly for my work, there is a full page for Sunday with space for notes and recording information. On the opposite page there are six spaces for Monday through Friday. Other calendar workbooks often have a small divided space for Saturday and Sunday. This is the perfect minister’s tool. I searched for years for a calendar/workbook that worked for my job. The right tool can make such a difference. It is true in so many parts of life. I wonder if God looks down on the congregation and says, “What tools do I have for my work in this congregation?” I do know when we have people in the tasks in the church that fit their special spiritual and practical gifts everything works better. The right tool for the right task is a key for smooth work. When you need a faucet wrench, one hundred socket wrenches will not fill the need. Comparing church workers to plumbing tools doesn’t have quite the dignity that apostle, prophet, teacher, deacon, etc. do, but perhaps the point is the right person for the right task is the ideal. Until that ideal comes, we may need to stretch our gifts to meet the needs we find. We might even discover we have more gifts than we realized.