I have a friend who for many years, every January, read a new book on time management. By personality, he was always an excellent time manager. His reading matched with his personal strengths. With a much different personality my reading of time management materials has only resulted in much less improvement. We all have differing strengths and weaknesses. While it is good to keep working on improving in our areas of weakness, it is even more important to work toward our strengths. Go where your gifts are. Marginal improvement in our weaker areas will still be of value, but major improvements in our strengths will have a big payoff. Many years ago a noted leader told me “Your gifts will find a place for you.” I have always found that to be helpful advice. When I am tempted to bemoan my areas of limitation, I try to remember that we are all unique creations of a loving God who “knows our frame” and recognizes our weaknesses, but glories still in the things he can accomplish through the unique gifts he has given us. So let’s relax and use what we have been given and let God’s strength fill both our gifts and our weakness for his glory. Let’s go on with major emphasis on our gifts and minor emphasis on improving our weaknesses under God’s loving guidance.