This first Sunday of the New Year finds us back in the chapel. Originally, we came up with this strategy as a way to save money on the cost of heating the larger sanctuary during the coldest months. Along the way we discovered other advantages. The smaller space means we sit closer together. We see each other more clearly as a result. The interaction is far better as we linger in the chapel to talk with each other. We miss the organ and the choir is a bit crowded, but the chapel simplifies things for our musicians. When we sing in the chapel the sound of all our voices is wonderful as we fill that smaller space. What started out as a money saving measure has turned out to be a significant blessing. Similar things happen in the rest of our lives as well. Simple changes often bless us, sometimes even by their simplicity alone. Even disasters have at times opened a possibility which we would not have seen in the ordinary course of life. The disaster may still be devastating, but hidden in the corner there may be a small blessing if we are looking for it. So stick with us in the chapel, because who knows what blessing may await us in the chapel, in the new year, and have a blessed New Year.