Today is All Saints Day. On the church calendar of some denominations each Sunday remembers one of the earlier saints. All Saints Day celebrates all the saints past and present. In the New Testament the term “saints” is literally the holy ones.” It is used for all Christians even those who may not seem so saintly. Some denominations have used the term ”saints” for current members of the church. It may sound strange in the ears of those who are used to the term to refer to great leaders of faith like Peter or Paul, but it is correct in New Testament terminology. You and I are saints if we are followers of Jesus. It is our title by grace and not by achievement. So All Saints celebrates all the saints through the ages. That term includes all the “famous” saints of the early church but also all those who have died in the faith. So we remember beloved family members and friends who have gone to be with the Lord. We speak the names of those who have passed away in the previous year and honor their faith. We remember our fore mothers and fore fathers. We can also celebrate the living saints around and among us. We are not all perfect nor were the ones who came before us. We are the people of God, the saints; by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a day to celebrate all the saints.