May 31, 2020 is Pentecost in the church calendar, fifty days after Easter. This is sometimes styled as the birthday of the church. Following Pentecost is Kingdomtide or Ordinary Time on the church calendar. “Ordinary” has a different meaning than our current regular usage. Rather than meaning mundane it is based on the counting of days from the major events in the church: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, etc. It is based on the order of the church calendar and thus “ordinary.” But when I hear the term I think of our current usage. This is especially true when right now nothing seems ordinary. I already long for an ordinary day when we can go to a café for coffee or lunch; when I can go to the grocery store without a mask or even a plan; when shops are open and people are back at work. I long not only for feel good stories on the news, but also for no new statistics on the death toll from the virus. Sue’s mom, our beloved Nana, had a hand written card over her kitchen sink that read, “Ordinary day, help me to know what a treasure you are.” After weeks of quarantine, I now get Nana’s point. I am now coming to more fully appreciate the ordinary day of the past and hope for more ordinary days in the future. God, thank you for being with us in the ordinary and extraordinary days of our lives.