If fully hydrated, a human being can go from 3 to 7 weeks without food before dying, but only 3 to 4 days without water. About 60% of our bodies are water, so it is easy to see why that element is so very important. Even more than food the lack of water can become an all consuming passion. Water is vital, that is, necessary for life. All over the world the need for clean water is paramount. Initiatives to provide wells for clean water are always appropriate for our charitable gifts. In the ancient world it was much the same. A reliable source of clean water was often the reason for the growth of a village. The positive pleasure of a cool drink when we are parched is a pleasure all of can appreciate. Water soothes and cleanses. Water comforts and sustains. Plants, animals and human beings are all dependent on available water. Even a cup of water given in kindness is worthy of a reward. In his conversation with the woman of Samaria, Jesus encouraged the woman at the well to receive “living water” as a gift from God. The metaphor crosses time and distance to illuminate the gift of God’s forgiving presence. The woman is bright enough to grasp the metaphor and respond to Jesus and his refreshing teachings. I wonder, are we?