One of my favorite brands is changing its name and logo. King Arthur Flour sometime this fall will become King Arthur Baking Company with a new logo. This hardly seems like a radical change, but the company has noted that the virus pandemic has seen resurgence in home baking in America. People who rarely or once a month baked are now often baking multiple times a month. If you are a baker you may have noticed a shortage of yeast for baking during the pandemic. King Arthur Flour thought the mane change, (rebranding) would respond to this change and better reflect the central purposes of the company. This is not a promo from me for King Arthur Flour or King Arthur Baking Company, but the announcement caused me to reflect on a good change coming out of the disastrous virus pandemic. Home baking has a warm homey feel for me and calls up times helping my grandmother bake. The image of families rich and poor sharing fresh baked bread and other goodies like biscuits, rolls, cookies, cakes, pies, and my favorite pecan rolls is wonderful to contemplate. Even in the worst disasters there are some small things that can give us a snapshot of a better world.