When was the last time you saw a phone booth? It has been a long time for me. I saw one quite a while back but the receiver had been ripped off the phone. Cell phones have become so ubiquitous that the phone booth is nearly extinct. We now only have cell phones and I miss our land line. It never needed to be checked to see if it had a charge. Dropped calls were extremely rare and coverage was nearly universal. Worse yet what does Superman do when he needs to change into his cape with no phone booth around to facilitate the change? Evil forces could triumph while he was hunting for a booth. Not even Superman can change in a cell phone. On the other hand I feel that my wife and daughters and grandchildren are all safer because they have cell phones for emergencies. Even us “self-sufficient males” need that extra margin of safety. Shopping lists can be checked again. We can have electronic calendars, note books, address and phone directories, books and even games for when we are standing in a socially distant line. Over all the change is good no matter how annoying it is for Superman. Inspite of our own nostalgia, change can often be good in many areas of life.