For over fifty-three years my wife, Sue, has been making breakfast for us. Most often that was a cooked breakfast unlike the cold cereal breakfast that was the norm from growing up years. This simple act of kindness became even more important when both Sue and I developed diabetes. Breakfast is critical for those of us who are diabetics. Along the way I came to appreciate that the breakfasts were acts of love. On occasions I take over making breakfast with pancakes, or scrambled eggs or omelets, but the bulk of that work has been done by Sue. Given that both of us are a bit blurry-eyed until the first cup of coffee, I appreciate this gift of fifty-three years of breakfasts. I do wonder how many acts of kindness and love I have not fully appreciated over my life time. The regular routine of life can desensitize us to the small regular gifts we are given. Children miss many of these hidden gifts that their loved ones provide but on occasion do notice the delight of clean warm pajamas, or icy popsicles on a hot summer afternoon, or a favorite meal. They notice if a bedtime story or a night-time tuck in and kiss are missing. It is a good thing to express our appreciation for the smaller blessings of life. For our comfort and joy they may be more important than the grand celebratory gestures which are easily noticed. What of the smaller blessings of life have you experienced over the years of your life? There might still be time to say “thank you” and even to begin some new small blessings for those you care about.