For many years I carried in my mind a variety of phone numbers. Now days, while I remember some numbers from the past, I am hard pressed to remember any contemporary phone numbers even for those close to me that I call often. I’m not sure I would even remember my wife’s number except that it is only one digit different than my own number. The problem could be my changing memory as I age, but I don’t think that to be the case. Not everything should be foisted on old age. The real culprit is my cell phone. It is so easy to scroll down through the contact list and push the button to call someone. I no longer have to remember the number so my mind doesn’t bother to remember. I do feel safer with my wife and I having cell phones since no one can remember seeing a phone booth on a street anywhere in the United States except perhaps in an airport. The downside is that if the phone is on the blink we are stuck until we can find a directory. Rarely is this a problem, but it does make me reflect on this new level of dependence on technology. Will this change the sharpness of our memory? What would happen if the whole system went down? Overall I think cell phones have been a blessing, but sometimes it makes me wonder. New technologies will keep coming along. In the main they will be beneficial if used correctly, but they can be damaging if abused. We could take the stance that we will avoid all the new stuff, but it will still be the world of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I don’t want to be left behind. Hopefully, I can take advantage of the benefits of new technology and still be wise enough to see its limitations.