Recently we went through our collection of music CDs. It is embarrassing how many we have in our possession. We have all kinds of music: classical, religious, country/western, pop, opera, instrumental, folk and jazz. Our Christmas collection alone spans all these forms. We don’t have much in the comic genre. No Grandma Just Got Run Over by a Reindeer, but most other forms are there. I did notice that there was a missing element. We only had on Thanksgiving CD. So I ordered a couple of Thanksgiving CDs. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir had a couple of examples with some of the great Thanksgiving hymns. Another album has: We Gather Together to ask the Lord’s Blessing and Come, Ye thankful people Come and Count your blessings and Let all things now living and We plow the fields and Scatter and For the beauty of the Earth. There are too many to sing in one service but fortunately they can be sung in almost any service because thanksgiving is a basic part of the Christian experience. Every day we give thanks to God for his love and mercy. We thank God for our daily bread. We thank each other for their help and love. We thank God for sending Jesus to us. We thank God for health and healing. We thank God for comfort and guidance in difficult times. We thank God for the times of gladness and joy. Around our family table we name the things for which we are thankful. We have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving and for every day before and after. With all this thanksgiving it is amazing that we ever need to complain and criticize. So come you thankful people come and raise a song of thanksgiving to God for today.