My favorite kind of weather is what I call “sweater weather.” That is the kind of weather that requires a sweater outdoors with cooler nights that require a warm comforter on the bed. It is good for a fire in the fire place with hot chocolate or mocha coffee on the side table. I much prefer cool to warm or not. I do notice the cold more now than when I was younger, so you have my permission to tease me if you catch me complaining about the cold this winter. By the end of February I am longing for some warmer days. Maybe it is the diversity of climate that appeals to me. I like the variety we get to experience. Extreme cold or extreme heat proves tiresome over long periods, but I am sure that I would not like 365 days at 72 degrees. Give me some variety. Of course I prefer that variety on my time table and schedule. I like variety in other things. I like it in my reading material. I like it in my foods. I like it in my clothing. I have trouble answering the question: “What is your favorite...?” I never know what to say on those rare occasions when someone in the family asks: “What do you want sung at your funeral service?” I can think of thirty options which doesn’t match my goal of a short funeral service. So whatever is chosen , sing loudly enough that hopefully I can hear it in heaven. Perhaps this desire for variety is one of the reasons that I like so many different kinds of people. There is such a variety in the human race. The more I get to know people, the more I see that makes them worth knowing. Even when there are tensions in relationships, I often think that if I knew the other better I would probably find things to like about them. It has happened so often to me that I have come to expect that I will ultimately like the people I meet. Now this is far below the standard that God practices - who loves all in a wonderful self - giving way, but is at least a small movement in that direction.