I keep looking hard for blessings in the midst of the pandemic. It is not easy to find them. The grief at the loss of loved ones, the loneliness of separation, the increase in depression, the economic challenges, the limitations on activity, difficulties of travel, the fear of sickness and death, and the isolation from friends have taken a toll on all of us. Still there have been some small rays of sunshine peeking through. We have all realized how significant our family interactions are to us. We have found creative ways like online worship services and zoom meetings to do important things. For my wife and I, just going out to the grocery store has seemed almost like a date night. Some have even found new ways at expressing service and care for each other. Front line workers are fast becoming our new heroes. We have even a new appreciation for many of the things we have taken for granted. Even some thing as basic as toilet tissue has a new status in our minds. Many have rediscovered the joy of cooking and baking, while longing for the full return of restaurants. One small blessing has been staying at home more. Projects that have long been put off until later have been taken on now that we have more time at home. These minor blessings do not fully offset the rigors and pain of the pandemic, but they do remind me that I can still find blessings even in the most difficult of times. I’m not sure I have learned to be content whatever the circumstance… (Philippians 4:11), but I am working on it.