Thursday, April 22, is Earth Day. The first Earth Day in the United States was in 1970. It is observed in over 190 countries and mobilizes 1 Billion people for action every Earth Day. The environmental concerns had been prompted in part by the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in 1962. Gaylord Nelson, a junior senator from Wisconsin, and Pete Mc Closkey, a conservative minded Republican Representative recruited Denis Hayes an environmental activist to organize campus teaching for college students on the environment. The idea broadened to include many different organizations and faith groups. It was subsequently name Earth Day. It led ultimately to the formation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency of the Federal Government and many other Acts of Congress for the good of the environment. In 1990 Earth Day went international with 141 countries considering environmental issues. Earth Day now is widely recognized as the largest secular observance in the world. As we continue to face climate issues, pollution, and environmental disasters, Earth Day provides resources of information and action to support our magnificent world. As Christians, Earth Day is a good reminder of the responsibility we have to preserve and enhance the beautiful earth the Creator has provided as our home. Earth Day would be a good day to do all we can to clean, preserve, and heal the world around us. We could start small in our own small circles and join others in celebrating and participating in Earth Day. After all “This is our Father’s World”. Let’s take care of it.