One of my favorite hymns of Easter is Christ Arose. The text reads: “ Low in the grave he lay- Jesus my Savior! Waiting the coming day – Jesus my Lord. Up from the grave he arose with a mighty triumph o’er his foes. He arose a victor from the dark domain, and he lives forever with his saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!” I particularly like the way the verse begins to slow and soften with a meditative tone and then the chorus rises up with a shout, a change of pace, and an ascending melody. I’m not sure that makes it a great musical composition, but it is so much fun to sing. It is a rousing celebrative song of Christian witness. We would do well to sing more of the Easter hymns through the whole Christian year. I know that since Joy the the World has become attached to Christmas, I always plan to sing it in the middle of the summer. Perhaps Christ Arose or Christ the Lord is Risen Today ought to be sung during the middle of winter. It might help us remember the centrality of Jesus’ resurrection. In a way every Sunday is a mini-Easter in recognition of the day of Jesus’ resurrection. We could even start many services with the call and response: The Lord is risen, He is risen indeed. It is the joyous claim of the Christian church through the centuries, across many languages, and cultures. It is the gift of God to all humanity, to whoever will consider it. Because he lives we too shall live with abundant life now and in the eternal life now and forever.