Recently I noticed several books on how to use “To do” lists. It was a surprise to realize that someone might need instruction on something as straight forward as a “to do” list. However, I think I understand. When I make up a list, I often end up with thirty things on the list. Such a list can be so intimidating that rather than being motivated to get to work, I am motivated to take a nap. Lists of things to do can be helpful, but we may also need a “what not to do List.” I my case I might begin with “Don’t make too long a list.” Often knowing what not to do can be more important than knowing what to do. What has priority in our lists is a significant issue. The trivial can easily eclipse the vital. The Bible has significant lists. The fruit of the Spirit is one such list. Other lists indicate what not to do. The Ten Commandments has a mix of actions and prohibitions. We are to honor our Father and Mother and observe the Sabbath. We are not to steal or kill. Jesus indicated that we are to love each other and even love our enemies. We are to turn from evil and reject hatred. These are much more comprehensive than lists to mow the grass and rake the leaves, but they are important for everyday life. Maybe we ought to make out “to do” lists for these larger issues as well. It could be useful to make out an everyday list to be more kind, to be more loving, to forgive more easily, to practice peace, to be more polite and to be more like Jesus. Sometimes I need the daily reminders to stay on the right path.