Patriotism is an interesting concept. At heart I think it is a love for country and place, but that love can be expressed in many different ways. At times, it can seem like criticism when as a nation we fail to live up to our highest ideals. At times, it can be an emotional response to shared symbols and memories. It may be fierce or calm. It may delight to parade its enthusiasm or alternately be a simple quiet confidence. What I don’t think works is to accuse others of lack of patriotism when their expression of patriotism does not match our own. It is possible for a form of patriotism to be violent and destructive. It can be exclusive, shutting people out who are not like us. It can, at times, even be used as a tool to manipulate people toward false values. It is not suitable as the supreme love in life. Love for God and love for neighbor must always out weigh love for country. It is comfortable when it is possible for love of God and love for country to exist together. I believe that general free democratic societies have a better chance of that than do repressive autocratic societies. Even knowing that the United States is far from perfect, I am happy to root for US Olympic athletes, barbeque on July Fourth, Sing America, the Beautiful and delight in many other things typically American. With all her aspirations, trials and laws and triumphs, I love my country and am glad to be a part of her life. So I guess you could say I’m patriotic even if I don’t fill my yard with American flags. Maybe it is more a matter of one’s heart than any specific single action.