Tuesday night I left the car out of the garage with the windows down and, so, of course, on Wednesday morning it rained. I pulled on some street clothes and went out to put up the windows and dry the car’s interior. I was irritated with the rain and with myself for leaving the car out in the rain. My first shower of the day was courtesy of Mother Nature. Later, while drying my exterior after drying the car’s interior I had time to reflect on my dampened enthusiasm. Friends in the western United States are thirsting for the rain I found annoying. For them rain would be a shower of blessing. Drought conditions have resulted in increased wildfires, in limited water resources, in agricultural shortages, in loss of life and property. My car will soon be fully dry, but in other places the water crisis will continue. Are we able to be thankful for blessings that come to us in simple things like abundant rain, ample food crops and, safe surroundings? The crises of our lives can remind us of how often we receive blessings unsought and even unappreciated. Can we somehow increase our gratitude quotient?We hear talk of intelligence quotient and emotional quotient.What about a gratitude quotient?Let us pray a “Lord thank you for the everyday blessings of our life together with you.For what we receive of our daily bread, make us truly thankful.”Amen.