In our family we open Christmas stockings on Christmas Eve and open our larger presents on Christmas Day. Our stockings have small gifts and treats. We all try to be creative and include things meaningful to each other. Only rarely is a stocking gift expensive. Sometimes it is funny or poignant. Favorite candies are often included along with a toothbrush. It is a favorite time with less emphasis on the gift than on being together. It is about being a family together. We each have stockings with our names embroidered on the cuff. As new members come into the family they each have a personalized stocking to hang over the fireplace to show they belong. Recently one in our family decided to change what she wanted the family to call her. This resulted in a new stocking with her new name. It said to the whole family “We support you and you will always be part of us as you learn and grow.” In the Bible a change of name often signaled a new beginning, a new life. These names signified a new relationship with God. God knows our names and our nicknames. He calls us by name and that signifies his deep and profound recognition of us. He knows our name and we belong with him.