Some on asked me recently what my hobby is I was puzzled for a moment. I enjoy cooking, but I’m not sure it is my hobby. I like to swim, but I’m fine if I don’t get to the pool or beach. I like walking but don’t do as much as health should demand. With a brother, as a pro golfer, I have proven that there is nothing genetic about golf. What I really like to do is read. I can spend lots of time with a good book, almost of any type. I even took a speed reading course in college so that I could read faster. If nothing else is available I have been known to read the cereal box at breakfast. I read fiction and non-fiction of all types. I read westerns and romance , science fiction and adventure, mysteries and comedy, history, philosophy and theology, business and personal development, “ how to…” and “what not to do…”, cookbooks and magazines. I like what I read to be well written and have stopped my reading of some books that are too full of mistakes in grammar, spelling and content. I really enjoy reading the Bible. You probably expected that of me, but I really do find the stories and teachings fascinating and inspiring. I gain something from all my reading, but the Bible for me is the best.