I wish I knew more about math. I am confident in speaking and writing. I can read fast and accurately, but I am less confident with numbers. I am only adequate in math, I can read a financial statement with basic understanding and I can balance a check book but higher math functions elude me. I can even read books on mental math, but I still struggle to understand statistical stuff. I am always glad when there are competent math people in the church. I respect and am glad for their expertise. My father was gifted in math especially at the practical sort. He could remember figures in a way like I remember words. I think it is a good thing when we have areas that we struggle to master. It helps not to be arrogant and can help us to appreciate the gifts that others bring to life. Math has the power to accomplish great things It is a mother discipline which is the basis for so much in the advancement of science in our world. I may not be so good at it , but it really does matter. I guess you could say “ Math Counts” (weak pun intended). Cheers for all of you who are good at it!