There are many ways to think about the world at large. We can categorize it by nations or by people groups. We can divide it up by political systems. We can provide categories . We don’t often think of one of the more obvious distinctions. We can use food as the measure. There are wheat cultures, rice cultures and corn or maize cultures. We think about Europe as a wheat culture. Asia I often classed as a rice culture. Latin America is a corn or maize culture. Some areas are mixed. The USA is a wheat culture with a strong element of corn. Africa has maize and millet. Some areas of Latin America add quinoa to the corn culture. Perhaps if Jesus had come to Latin America we might celebrate the Love Feast with tortillas instead of wheat bread. That would seem strange to us, but the symbolism would still work. Rice would be a bit harder to fit into the symbolism of the Supper. Some of what we experience even religiously is based on the cultures of origin and on our experience. That is part of what makes them meaningful. Food and faith often are found together.