A few days ago, I realized that my car battery was dead. I turned the key and not even a click was heard. It was “No show, no go!” It turns out that a door was left open, draining the battery. I had only been making short trips so the battery had inadequate time to re-charge. The battery is relatively new, but all car batteries need re-charging. It is another example of “use it or lose it.” Neglect, even if unintentional, can result in problems. I have often thought that it is better to pray beforehand than just pray hard in the midst of an emergency. During a funeral is a rather late time to prepare for death or grief. It is certainly good to learn, even late, but better to prepare ahead. Even something as basic as spoken and written language can deteriorate, if unused. Even native speakers can find it difficult to remember their first language vocabulary when they do not have opportunity to participate in spoken and written language. Even spiritual gifts can weaken when neglected or not utilized. Fortunately, much which is initially lost can be regained. Whether in the practical world or the spiritual world, it is better to use what we are given. It keeps things fresh and vital.