I am often amazed at the technology of our time. So many things now have miniature computers with the kind of power that used to require a whole room to house the computer. In fact, the power of these tiny computers is often far greater than those room-sized computers of old. While there are some problems to work out with self-driving cars, the safety features on modern vehicles make even poor drivers far safer and more skilled. The advances in medical technology can do things only imagined in science fiction of an earlier time. I am often heartened by the advances in technology, but at other times I am not so pleased. Like other things in life, good things can also be used for bad or even evil purposes. Earlier in the development of computers, delays had to be programmed in because the speed of computers spooked some users. Speed can be its own problem. With the instant communication and cell phone cameras, we often receive news so quickly that we have little chance to evaluate or even find factual information, so our emotions may be engaged so quickly that our minds can’t keep up. Good judgment is hard to achieve on the spur of the moment. We usually make better decisions when we have time to consider or even meditate before responding. The old advice, “Be quick to listen and slow to speak,” is one expression of the need to be more reflective and less reactionary. The speed of technology and its rapid development have not been matched by greater wisdom or stronger moral sense. Unfortunately, morality and wisdom can’t be programmed into a computer chip. These profound things most often come as gifts from God, not from technology.