Paying bills is not the most enjoyable of tasks, but there is real satisfaction when there are adequate funds to bring all the bills up to date. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why the various lotteries are tempting for many. Along with the fantasy of being rich, there is the desire to never have to worry about there being enough to meet all the needs without worry. In reality, winning the lottery has its own problems. No doubt the desires grow with the greater funds. That is why grace is so much superior to wealth. The verse in the song “Grace Greater Than Our Sin” reads, “Marvelous, infinite, matchless grace, freely bestowed on all who believe.” The grace of God is free and boundless. It will never be in short supply. There is no reason to worry or fret. The well is massive! It will never run out. The living water of God’s grace will constantly refresh, constantly sustain, constantly bless. It is living water that will never die. God’s grace is infinite and guaranteed by the living, eternal God, and it is freely available to us through our Lord Jesus Christ. So relax – no checks to sign, no bank balance to check, just worry-free grace available to all who believe!