I am grateful for all the people in the church for their support for the church and its work. All of them make an important contribution out of the gifts that God has given them.
There is a saying among actors, “There are no small parts.” It is obvious how this happens in TV situation comedies. What starts out as an infrequent or even one-time character in a “small part” is so well-played, the writers begin to write the character more prominently in the script and the “small part” becomes a “big role.”
There are no small roles in the life of the church. St. Paul described the Church as a body, with all the parts of the body being necessary for proper functioning. No part of the body is unimportant. “If everything was the eye, where would the hearing be?” he wrote. In fact, each person in the church has a place in God’s plan for the local church because “God has placed the members in the church as it pleases him.”
Some roles are more obvious than others, but none are without value. In Christ’s church and in our congregation, in particular, there are no “small roles.”