I am not a flag waver, but I believe I am quite patriotic in my own way. I believe that America can still live up to its highest ideals. I lived outside the U.S. for three years and gained perspective on the strengths and weaknesses of the American life. It is the United States of America where I wish to live. We are not a perfect society and we really never were, but at our best we do strive to be a good place. Certainly race has presented significant problems in the past and in the present, but having lived abroad I can testify that we are far from the only place in the world with racial prejudice. Our history has forced us to face some of our racial issues, where many places in the world mask their racial discrimination while condemning others. Living outside the U.S., I tired of the smugness and even self-righteous condemnation of U.S. racism while racism in some cultures went largely unaddressed. It is important to acknowledge our failures, but shouldn’t they be balanced by our strengths and successes? There is much that is great and at times even noble, in many of the values of American life. I love my country. It is my home and has shaped much that is good in my life and character, so I can celebrate July 4th as more than just a barbeque and picnic day. It is a day to celebrate all that is good about this country.