I am anticipating being back with you in worship this next Sunday. I will have been comforted and strengthened by spending some extended time with family, but I have missed all of you. Few things in life give me more strength than worshipping with God’s people. Our prayers and praises lend us strength as together we offer our worship to God our Maker. Occasionally, I hear someone say, “I didn’t get much out of worship today.” I can understand that as I, at times, can feel the same, but I am reminded of the days of an offering box at the rear of the Sanctuary. A minister and his young son stopped by the box and the minister put in his offering. After the service, they opened the box where there was little beyond what the minister had put in. The young boy, with insightful naivety said, ‘Dad, if you had put more in, you would have gotten more out.” When I am disappointed in worship, it most often is the case that I have not brought my whole self to the worship. Others may have a different experience, but my attitude as I approach worship has a real effect on what I receive. I try to remind myself to have an open spirit, to give myself fully to worship, both to give and receive. At my best, worship is enlightening and rewarding, both for me and, I hope, for others. Especially when I am one of those leading in worship, it is of primary importance that I also worship. We always hope to be what we are asking of others. So, let us worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness to the glory of God.