It is often said that time seems to move faster as we grow older. It does seem to me that the statement is accurate. There are some objective measures of hos fast things move in our world. I have a collection of 33 ½ rpm vinyl records, multiple cassette tapes, cd’s by the score, just when more music is online with various services. I even have some 8-track tapes which were once the ”in” thing. There are also my movies cassette tapes, and DVDs, while now I do streaming on the TV through the internet. I still have an email account, but if I want to make contact with my daughters, I text to their phone numbers. Contact with the grandchildren is even more complicated. I don’t even know what media systems they prefer. Every new thing I think might work is one that they used to use before the new “in” thing. Fortunately, the phone still works for them. I do wonder at times if the pace of change might be too fast for human adjustment. During much of human history things did not change so quickly. Some people might never have left their small villages or experienced the larger world around them except in story. What have we gained and what have we lost in our fast-paced world? Is there still a place for being led by still waters? Can we find a place of quiet within when there is so much frantic activity around us? Can we still sing “Drop thy still dews of quietness ‘til all our strivings cease. Take from our souls the strain and stress, and let our ordered lives confess the beauty of thy peace…”?