How do we know when events that happen in life are good things or bad things? When something comes at us “out of the blue”, catching us off-guard, can we view these happenings from an eternal perspective, as God sees them? His perspective is first of all based in His immense love for us, but in the end His goal is to “work ALL THINGS together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” Are we so bound to our humanity that we are short-sighted, blind-sided, devastated, unable to see beyond the “happening” to the long-term consequences, even if the cloud has a silver lining? When my grandmother was dying of terminal cancer, our family stayed near her hospital bed, not allowing her to be alone for the 5 weeks from her diagnosis to her passing. Out of our love for her, we did our best to put aside our impending grief and love her home to Heaven. Of course, we did not want to lose her from our earthly presence but there was something bigger happening behind the scenes as God worked even in this heart-breaking situation…Nurse Cathy, who gave most of the wonderful care to Grandma Dorothy while she was in Community Hospital Anderson, gave her heart to the Lord as a result of watching how things were handled by a very present family. She was not used to seeing love personified. She remains a dear family friend & faithful believer to this day, 30 years later. So, was Grandma’s death a bad thing or a good thing? Luke 15:7 says, “ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” What a glorious reminder! May we trust His heart in the hard times of life. He is up to something good and eternal…you can bet your life on it!!