What do you do with your old clothes? My grandparents lived by the philosophy, “Make it last, use it up, go without, and save it up.” I have not really followed those rules. Few in our culture do. We try to be responsible and donate our outgrown clothes to Goodwill, the Salvation Army, or others that can recycle them, but even so, much of the worn-out clothing ends up in landfill or burned for fuel. The synthetic materials end up (as I understand it) releasing small bits of plastic into the environment as dangerous pollutants.
Clothing manufacturers even design garments to last a short time. Finding a heavy white t-shirt which is not semi-transparent is increasingly difficult. I have read that some manufacturers have even designed garments for only one-time use.
Perhaps my grandparents were not so far off. Could I learn to darn my favorite socks when I wear a hole in them? Could I buy used clothes that are in good condition and save them from landfill? Do people still make rag rugs or braided rugs? I know we have quilters as well as knitters among us.
After Jesus fed the 5,000 he had his disciples gather up the leftovers. Maybe we should model our lives a bit more like that.