We are barely into 2019 and I am already thinking about next year. That year will the year, 2020. It almost sounds like an eye test. 20-20 is considered perfect, but it would be excellent if it was a year of improved vision on a personal, national, and international level. Even in the church we could benefit by a clear vision. Perhaps we could benefit by spiritual cataract surgery to let in more light or sacred eye drops to lower the pressure in our relationships or religious exercises to sharpen our failing vision. I know that is pushing the analogy way too far, but just maybe we could use 2019 as a year to sharpen our vision as a congregation so that we could enter 2020 with a clearer vision for our church for the future in the 21st century. God will have to be our partner if we are to find a clear and compelling vision. We may even need to employ a different lens to see what we should do and be (Sorry, I drifted back into the analogy again). The point is that the year 2020 seems ideal for examining our vision and 2020 seems ideally placed to prepare wisely for that vision. Just in case this analogy is giving you eye strain, you might consider Jesus’ words: “If your eye is single then your whole body is filled with light.”