A major religious magazine, for many years, had a reoccurring guest feature called “How my mind has changed.” Major religious thinkers revealed how their views had changed and what had prompted the change. I always found these articles interesting and insightful. Periodically, I try to assess how my mind has changed. I have old sermon notes (from back when I used notes) that reveal how much my mind has changed over the years. Most of these changes have been very much for the good. I am glad that human beings can change their minds. I am not very impressed when people say they never change their minds. It reminds me of people who never change their tooth brush or worse never change their underwear. There are good reasons for change in many areas of life. To punch the TV remote control 15 times when it has a dead battery will likely never end in a bright full color screen. It is TV insanity. When things repeatedly don’t work, it may be necessary to figure out why and perhaps employ a new strategy. Changing our minds may be a bit more difficult, but it is something which we can do. If you were asked to describe how your mind has changed over the last 30 years or even over the last five years, what would your list include?