
We have a wonderful opportunity on Saturday, March 14 to see a live performance of Ken Medema and Ted Swartz at the Manchester Church of the Brethren.  The Manchester Church is sponsoring the event.  It is an expensive undertaking and the church has asked for gifts to help defray the cost. We will designate our Outreach offering this month to help cover these expenses. The performance is part of the year long celebration of the founding of the South/Central Indiana District.  We will be taking an offering to support the performance.  Those of us who have seen Ken and Ted have always been entertained and inspired by their work.  There will be laughter and even some tears.  Several of us are planning to drive to North Manchester for the service.  There is a sheet on the table outside the office to sign up on.  You may volunteer to drive or sign up that you would like to go, but need a ride.  Ted’s brilliant comedic skills and Ken’s spontaneous composition and excellent piano work make for a rich evening.  An offering will be taken with all the proceeds going to Heifer International.  Come join us for an inspiring and entertaining evening.