We have new thermostats for the church building. They are all the same which should help avoid confusion. With differing programs an automatic system is really necessary. A building our size takes time to heat up or to cool down. We do not have to worry about someone coming in early to get the parts of the building warm or cool. At home we still have a dial thermostat of the most simple kind. Even that is a wonderful convenience. I remember living with my Grandparents with a coal cook stove and space heaters. Grandma got up early and got the cooker going. It was the only heat in early morning. Dressing in the unheated bedrooms was an exercise in speed. If you just pulled your clothes over your pajamas, you were sent back to start over. On a frosty morning it was invigorating to say the least. What wonderful convenience to just touch a dial and have instant heat. It is now so common that we may not even think of how pleasant the simple thermostat makes our life. When I think back about those earlier days and Grandma’s cold everyday morning, I am glad as a grandparent that I don’t have to stoke up the coal cook stove, but can have a cup of coffee and dress at leisure in the warmth of a centrally heated house.