Periodically when our supply of paper towels and toilet tissue runs low, I order a big supply from Amazon. This has the advantage that the beleaguered UPS driver brings the big boxes right to our door. The price is about the same as the grocery store prices with no struggle on my part with big packages at the grocery. A couple of days ago I attempted to put in an order for paper towels and tissue only to find that they were out of stock for both. Apparently, concern about the corona virus had caused a run on these paper supplies. It is appropriate to have concern about the spread of this dangerous virus, but I fail to see why it should affect the supply of paper products. We are already trying to use safe health practices. More changes may still be coming as this health crisis develops. We will cope with them as they unfold, but we do need to keep proper perspective. As one friend expressed it, “We need prudence not panic.” This seems as solid an approach for any crisis. It is consistent with our faith and wise for everyone.