I do not think of myself as old, but when the announcement was made that older people, that is people over 60, were in greater danger from the coronavirus; I was forced to count up the years. I’m not sure that I even remember what life was like when I was sixty. Realistically, I must now be a little more cautious, but I really am not afraid. That is the advantage of being older. This is not the first national or international crisis that I have seen in my life. Many were difficult and even devastating but we survived them. All of that can bring us perspective that some younger people may lack. Our faith also gives us an anchor. Whatever happens, God will be with us. We still may suffer with the rest of humanity, but we do hope in the love and grace of the eternal one who watches over us. While I am concerned for My older friends and neighbors, I am grateful the children are less threatened. Together we will get through this particular crisis. It will again be an occasion to practice love and kindness to the world around us. We will not let fear make us selfish or unkind. To quote those “great philosophers”, Sonny and Cher, “Love will keep us together!” Be wise, be cooperative, trust God and practice love.