My two Florida grandsons disagree about dessert. One likes cake and the other likes pie. I sometimes suspect that one likes pie because the other likes cake and vice versa. I notice that neither complain about cookies. You might prefer a certain kind but what’s not to like about a good cookie. The list of cookies I don’t like is very short compared to the volume of those I do like. I recently checked out a cookbook of 100 cookies many of which I had enjoyed, but some of my favorites were missing. There is something wonderful about a chocolate chip cookie whether with a cold glass of milk or a cup of coffee. A cashew cookie with burnt sugar icing and a cup of Scottish Afternoon Tea is equally thrilling. We still have dozens of cookie cutters from times when we decorated Christmas sugar cookies with grandchildren. The memories of laughter, fun and creativity still warm our hearts. Some cookies were equal parts cookie and frosting. Some had so many sprinkles that they were harder to eat than a taco, even the broken bits got frosted. How could something as small and ephemeral hold such memories. At times eating a cookie from my Mom Marie’s recipe, I feel like I am tasting the memory as much as tasting the cookie. Wouldn’t it be neat if the heavenly manna turned out to be cookies? Blessing may come in large sizes but sometimes blessings can be found in a tiny frosted Christmas cookie.