One of the catch phrases for the Church of the Brethren is: “Peacefully, simply, together.” We use those in our advertising and mission statement, and I value each of them. Exploring what each means individually is valuable. The middle term, “simply” has had an interesting history. At times it was reduced to what a Brethren could wear, or do you wear ties or jewelry? It can even be reduced to how expensive your taste in housing or transportation is. At its best it meant living a life style that valued the ordinary and simple things of our life. It was living with appreciation for all of God’s gifts to us and using them responsibly. It was aimed at reducing our self - indulgence and selfishness while still appreciating all that we have been given. It has the spirit of sacrifice without self -martyrdom. It eschews self - aggrandizement and values humility. It finds joy in simple pleasures and abhors self- promotion. It values others above oneself but does not denigrate our own value. It promotes servanthood but rejects forced slavery. It honors simple service and does not expect adulation or reward. It is modest in appearance and behavior without self - righteousness. It values people over things and relationship over opinion. It is aware of its own failures and limitations. To practice simplicity well really requires the grace and power of God to be a work in us. “It’s a gift to be simple. It’s a gift to be free.”